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Unit 1 Lesson 1 What is a Pal?

Focus Question

What is important about being a friend?

Spelling Words

Am    at      sat   

man  dad   mat

High Frequency  Words

And   you   be    

play  help  with

Oral Vocabulary

Excellent   suddenly   miss invitation     ruin   beautiful

What We’re Learning

Reading: Fluency; Accurate word recognition, Comprehension; Main Idea, summarize, informational texts.

Your child will be bringing home a leveled reader each day for practice at home. He\she can read to you as part of their daily reading for their reading log.

Phonics: Words with short a, Consonants n, d, p, f.

Vocabulary/Grammar: Nouns, Classifying and categorizing words.

Science/ Social Studies:

We will begin a unit study on Johnny Appleseed the beginning of September.

Lesson 2 The Storm

Focus Question

What happens during a storm?


Spelling Words

If              is             him

Rip           fit             pin


High Frequency  Words

For           what                 have

He            look                 too

Oral Vocabulary

Bandits    chattered  brave      ears    still           steady

Lesson 3 Curious George at School

Focus Question

Why is going to school important?

Spelling Words

Log     dot     top     hot

Ox     lot


High Frequency  Words

Do     find     sing     no

Funny          they


Oral Vocabulary

Apart     worried   sneaked

Crept     snout     proud

Reading: Fluency; Accuracy:words connected in text, Comprehension; Understanding characters, realistic fiction, inference and prediction.

Your child will be bringing home a leveled reader each day for practice at home. He\she can read to you as part of their daily reading for their reading log.

Phonics: Words with short i, Consonants r, h, s, b, g, phonogram –it.

Vocabulary/Grammar: Possessive Nouns

Math: Chapter 3 addition will begin this week.

What We’re Learning

Reading: Fluency; phrasing, punctuation; sequence of events; multiple meaning words.

Your child will be bringing home a leveled reader each day for practice at home. He\she can read to you as part of their daily reading for their reading log.

Phonics: Words with short o; consonants l, x, and s.

Vocabulary/Grammar: action verbs

Math: Chapter 2: Subtraction Concepts. We will be studying beginning subtraction concepts in this chapter. Our book bounces back and forth with addition and subtract. Although it is very difficult, there is a purpose. The National Center for Teaching Mathematics says that it is better to teach addition and subtraction this way so that students can see the correlation\relationship between the two.

Science/ Social Studies:

We will begin a unit study on Johnny Appleseed

Lesson 4 Lucia's Neigborhood

Focus Question

Who can you meet in a neighborhood?


Spelling Words

Yet   web   pen

Wet   leg   hen


High Frequency  Words

All   me   does   my   who


Oral Vocabulary

Canvas   important

Rhythm   combinations

Row   ease

Reading: Fluency; intonation; author’s word choice.

Your child will be bringing home a leveled reader each day for practice at home. He\she can read to you as part of their daily reading for their reading log.

Phonics: Words with short e; consonants y, w, k, v, j; phonogram –et.

Vocabulary/Grammar: alphabetical order; adjectives

Gus Takes the Train

Focus Question

What happens on the train?


Spelling Words

hug             bug             up

nut           mud             tub


High Frequency  Words

Full      friend      many

Pull      hold         good


Oral Vocabulary

Steady    worried    row


What We’re Learning

Reading: Fluency; Self Correction; Questioning Strategies; Adjectives/Synonyms

Your child will be bringing home a leveled reader each day for practice at home. He\she can read to you as part of their daily reading for their reading log.

Phonics: Words with short u; Consonant qu, z.

Vocabulary/Grammar: Synonyms and adjectives

Lesson 7 How Animals Communicate

Focus Question

How do animals communicate?


Spelling Words

in     will     did

sit     six     big


High Frequency  Words

Animal     how     make

Of            some     why  


Oral Vocabulary

Baby           bird   bees           down

dance        elephants  food  smell

What We’re Learning


Reading: Fluency: Rate.

Phonics: Short i, blends with r, and the phonogram –ip.

Comprehension: Main idea and details, text and graphic features.

Your child will be bringing home a leveled reader each day for practice at home. He\she can read to you as part of their daily reading for their reading log.

Vocabulary/Grammar: Using the Glossary, Commas in a series.

Math: Chapter 3 Doubles +/- One

Lesson 17 The Big Trip

Spelling Words

Me   be   read   feet   tree

Keep   eat   mean   sea   these

High Frequency  Words

About   by   car   could   don’t

Maybe   sure   there

Oral Vocabulary

Shelter   delighted   complain

Pleaded   lonely   horizon

Focus Question

What are some different ways to travel?

What We’re Learning

Reading: Compare and Contrast, dialogue, and visualizing.

Fluency: Correct phrasing at punctuation marks when reading.

Phonics: long e, vowel pairs ee and ea, final ng, nk and the phonogram ink.

Vocabulary/Grammar: Defining words and compound sentences.

Math: Chapter 7: Comparing Numbers will be finished this week. Test on Tuesday.

Reading,  and Spelling

tests will be on Friday.  

Lesson 18 Where do foods come from?

Focus Question

Where does food come from? What do farmers need to grow food?


We will be studying about where food comes from this week. Please be in conversation with your child about his\her favorite meal and where each part used in making it comes from.

Spelling Words

Play   grain   sail   mail   may

Rain   way   day  stay   pain


High Frequency  Words

First   food   ground   right  

Sometimes   under   your   these


Oral Vocabulary

Eagerly   scampered   slippery   spotted   disappointed   fancy

What We’re Learning

Reading: Author’s purpose, conclusions, summarization.

Fluency: Using expression in fluent reading.

Phonics: Vowel pairs ai, ay, contractions with ‘ll and ‘d, phonograms ay and ain.

Vocabulary/Grammar: Names of Months, Days and Holidays.

Math: We will be working in chapter 8 this week. You can refer to the  Chapter 8 School-to-Home letter about the chapter in your child’s homework folder. (Sent home last week)

Reading and Spelling

tests will be on Friday.  

Lesson 19 Tomas Rivera

Focus Question

Why is it important to learn about people from the past?


Our story focuses on how life was in the past. To extend the topic and tie in with President’s Day, we will be studying historical figure. Please be in conversation with your child about the presidents. We will learn about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

Spelling Words

Show   row   grow   low   blow

Snow   boat   coat   road   toad


High Frequency  Words

Done   great   laugh   paper  

Soon   talk   were   work


Oral Vocabulary

Author   permission   signature   exactly   incomplete   welcomed

What We’re Learning

Reading: Narrative Writing: personal narrative, focus on organization in writing.

Fluency: Intonation

Phonics: Vowel pairs oa, ow, contractions with ‘ve, and ‘re, phonograms ow and oat.

Vocabulary/Grammar: Synonyms and future tense.

Math: We will continue with chapter 8 this week. You can have conversations with your child to help them master the concept of adding tens. You can count on by tens easily with a hundred chart!

Reading and Spelling

tests will be on Friday

Lesson 21 Frog and Toad

Focus Question

What grows in a garden?


You can talk to your child this week about what plants grow in a garden. You can discuss what foods grow under or above the ground.

Spelling Words

Far   arm   yard   art   jar   bar   barn   bark   card   yarn 


High Frequency  Words

Few   window   shall   night   loudly

Noise   world   story


Oral Vocabulary

Whispered   clues   detectives

Clever   poked   sneaky

What We’re Learning

Reading: Repetitiion and Analyze & evaluate.

Fluency: Natural pauses.

Phonics: r-controlled vowel- ar, or, ore.

Phonograms ar, ore.

Vocabulary/Grammar: Prefix re and subject pronouns.

Math: Chapter 9 will begin on Tuesday. You should find a school to home letter in your child’s folder.

Lesson 22 Amazing Animals

Focus Question

Why do some animals have spots or stripes?


You can talk to your child this week about animal camouflage and how it affects animals.

Spelling Words

Her fern       girl  sir   stir 

bird fur   hurt turn       third


High Frequency  Words

Baby      begins    eight      follow     learning  until years    young


Oral Vocabulary

Roamed        sparkling misty      promised       receive          slender

Reading: visualizing, using context clues, drawing conclusions.

Fluency: Accuracy of connected text.

Phonics: r-controlled vowel- er, ir, ur.

Vocabulary/Grammar: Pronouns I and me.

Math: Chapter 9. We will begin telling time this week.

Lesson 24 A Tree is a Plant

Focus Question

What happens to a tree as it grows?


You can talk to your child this week about the life cycle of plants and what job specific parts of plants do.

Spelling Words

Soon  new  noon  zoo  boot  too  moon blew  soup  you

* Grew * scoop


High Frequency  Words

Ready  kinds  covers  country  earth  warms  soil  almost


Oral Vocabulary

Gentle  completely  settle  reflection  lonely  recognize

What We’re Learning

Reading: Figurative language

Fluency: Expression

Phonics: vowel digraph oo. Spelling patterns ou, ew, ue, u, u_e.

Vocabulary/Grammar: multiple meaning words and indefinite pronouns.

Math: This week we will complete chapter 9 measurement. We will have our chapter 9 test.

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